Gilead Health Development Charity


The Latest News from Gilead...... 

Keep up to date with the latest news and events details and find out how you can help our efforts to deliver health education to a poor rural  African community and much, much more!





NEWS - Luwero Clinic -

We are now well in to a new school year and nurse 'Christine' is battling to keep up with the numbers of children affected by Malaria. 






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March 2009


Nov 2009


March 2010


Sep 2010



NEWS - Luwero Community Hall -

Construction is progressing and we are ready to put the roof on. We now have £12,000 (Jun 2010)towards our £25,000+ target. Can you help?

EVENT - Skittles Night - Sat 5th Feb 2011

7pm - 11pm, Barnacle Village Hall. Fun evening for the family and includes a Fish/Chicken & Chip supper.

Adults £12, Concess £10, Family (4) £30.

EVENT - 24hr Music Marathon - Sat 23rd Oct 2010

0930 Sat - 0930 Sun at St James, Fletchamstead. Coventry.


Details to follow



EVENT - Barn Dance - Fri 19th Nov 2010

7pm - Midnight, Hare & Hounds, Watery Lane. Keresley.

Family friendly event and charity auction, dancing to live music (food available, but not included).

Adults £15, Concess £10, Family (4) £40





Joshua Clarke Maclaurin - born 17th July 2010

Innocent Sentongo (who looks after the Gilead Sponsorship Programme in Uganda) and her husband Steven, are proud to announce the birth of their firstborn child.

EVENT - Morrisons Bag Pack - Sat 2nd Oct 2010

9am - 4pm, Morrisons Supermarket, Holyhead Rd.

Come and help customers at the check-out pack their shopping for a donation. 'T' shirts provided.

LAST UPDATED 1st Sept 2010

Reg Charity No: 1115103