The Latest News from Gilead......
Keep up to date with the latest news and events details and find out how you can help our efforts to deliver health education to a poor rural African community and much, much more!
NEWS - Luwero Clinic -
We are now well in to a new school year and nurse 'Christine' is battling to keep up with the numbers of children affected by Malaria.
NEWS - Luwero Community Hall -
Construction is progressing and we are ready to put the roof on. We now have £12,000 (Jun 2010)towards our £25,000+ target. Can you help?
EVENT - Skittles Night - Sat 5th Feb 2011
7pm - 11pm, Barnacle Village Hall. Fun evening for the family and includes a Fish/Chicken & Chip supper.
Adults £12, Concess £10, Family (4) £30.
EVENT - 24hr Music Marathon - Sat 23rd Oct 2010
0930 Sat - 0930 Sun at St James, Fletchamstead. Coventry.
Details to follow
EVENT - Barn Dance - Fri 19th Nov 2010
7pm - Midnight, Hare & Hounds, Watery Lane. Keresley.
Family friendly event and charity auction, dancing to live music (food available, but not included).
Adults £15, Concess £10, Family (4) £40
Joshua Clarke Maclaurin - born 17th July 2010
Innocent Sentongo (who looks after the Gilead Sponsorship Programme in Uganda) and her husband Steven, are proud to announce the birth of their firstborn child.
EVENT - Morrisons Bag Pack - Sat 2nd Oct 2010
9am - 4pm, Morrisons Supermarket, Holyhead Rd.
Come and help customers at the check-out pack their shopping for a donation. 'T' shirts provided.
LAST UPDATED 1st Sept 2010